Download ot4xb
Released 2024.03.18
lStrWildCmpEx( cWild|aWild , cStr,[nFlags],[regex_flags],[regex_match_flags]) -> lMatch
The purpose of the ot4xb_cng class is to provide some encryption and decryption methods using the Windows CNG API
ot4xb_cng():aes_encrypt( cInputStr , flags) -> cOutputString
ot4xb_cng():aes_decrypt( cInputStr , flags ) -> cOutputString
ot4xb_cng():rc4_encrypt( cInputStr , flags ) -> cOutputString
ot4xb_cng():rc4_decrypt( cInputStr , flags ) -> cOutputString
INLINE CLASS METHOD now local ft := ChrR(0,8) ft64_now(@ft,.T.) return ft64_GetTs(ft,'%04.4hu-%02.2hu-%02.2huT%02.2hu:%02.2hu:%02.2hu')
INLINE CLASS METHOD ts2date(ts) return StoD( Left(StrTrimEx( ts , "0123456789:",0x200),8) )
INLINE CLASS METHOD ts2time(ts) return SubStr( StrTrimEx( ts , "0123456789:",0x200),9)One of this days will post an example for the condense string flags, ....
StrTrimEx(cStr,cTrimChars,nFlags,chReplaceForCondenseString) --> cStr_trimmed
0x01 - Trim characters on the left side of the string 0x02 - Trim characters on the right side of the string 0x03 - Trim characters on both sides of the string 0x100 - Condense String 0x200 - Remove unsafe ( list is safe unless 0x1000 ) 0x1000 - INVERT TABLE if 0x200 only then list is unsafe